we haven’t just been helping Our Clients Successfully navigate indigenous affairs…

we’ve been helping them discover extraordinary opportunities

Advanced strategic thinking that will transcend barriers and unlock the vast potential of successful Indigenous opportunities.

We’ve spent decades on the ground level gaining a unique understanding and insight of the underlying challenges Indigenous communities and organizations face, that have led to the proverbial mine field that has developed between our clients and the opportunity they seek.  What we’ve learned is that there are a number of cultural, communicative and other functional barriers that once removed, or even just understood, clears the path to the full potential of the opportunity at hand.

We’ll help our clients challenge conventional thinking and understand those functional barriers to clear the way for discovery, while inspiring a sense of capability and setting the bar of possibility high .

When you partner with For Evergreen Innovative Strategies you get fresh, out of the box and independent design thinking.   There are no “in the can” solutions, and no preconceived notions. We deploy years of hands on experience, rare insights, and a network of leading experts in all disciplines to effectively dig deep into your specific underlying issues, and architect winning solutions. Our core focus is innovation; pairing creativity and strategy to discover and realize possibility. We want to solve your toughest problems and work together on building an inspired culture of discovery.

What We Can Do For You

The following workshops are designed by For Evergreen Innovative Strategies to help indigenous and non-indigenous alike to find unparalleled success.  They focus on exposing barriers and realities, even the difficult realities, preventing indigenous, non-indigenous and business venturers from realizing the benefits they are seeking through the indigenous relationship.

Here’s what those who have taken these workshops say about their experience:

“Eye opening workshop. As an aboriginal woman I found the forward thinking and open approach to the difficult barriers many of us avoid speaking about to be refreshing and encouraging. Peter is able to put into perspective the challenges aboriginal people face in reaching their full potential”   – Bev Cheechoo, Administrator Moose Cree Services.

“Great Workshop, great speaker. Peter’s experience on both sides of the fence brought a neutrality that was very credible”   – Mario Villeneuve, Villeneuve Construction. 

These workshops take indigenous and non-indigenous people, employees, existing joint ventures and aspiring joint ventures through poignant awareness and open dialogue, challenging typical understandings while inviting the will to move beyond them.  The audience is shown useful techniques that will help bridge the indigenous and commercial worlds, while learning to anticipate the traps and successfully navigate through them.   

Aboriginal Adversity Workshop:

The focus is to create important awareness on how to cope with adversity in the workplace from cultural differences and the inevitable clash between them, as well as how to capitalize and benefit from working relationships, while turning them into opportunities.

This workshop is targeted toward all indigenous employees, supervisors, training & employment coordinators and First Nation Leader’s that have dealt with or work with people who are experiencing adversity in the workplace. However, anyone with interest in the subject is welcome to attend.  View Training Outline

The Successful Aboriginal Entrepreneur Workshop:

The focus is to create important awareness on both the challenges and potential of indigenous business ventures in the commercial environment, while developing an understanding on how best to navigate the mine field between the opportunity and success.  This workshop is targeted toward all indigenous start-ups and existing ventures, or anyone trying to determine an interest to start up .  However, anyone with interest in the subject is welcome to attend.  View Training Outline

Successfully Partnering with the Aboriginal Entrepreneur Workshop:

The focus is to create important awareness on both the challenges and potential of entering into indigenous orientated business ventures, while developing an understanding on how best to navigate the mine field between the opportunity and success.

This workshop is targeted toward all non-indigenous entrepreneurs looking to enter into an Indigenous orientated venture, or anyone trying to determine an interest to start up a joint venture.  However, anyone with interest in the subject is welcome to attend.  View Training Outline

Negotiation is a complicated and specialized art.  Success is a fine line between a winning combination of skill, knowledge, experience, and personality, and cliff hanging brinkmanship.

For the same reason one shouldn’t build their home with an unproven and questionably skilled Carpenter, one shouldn’t negotiate the aspirations of a people with an unproven and questionably skilled Negotiator? Understanding the nuances between interest based and position based negotiation techniques and how each is used effectively, is critical to finding a winning outcome. We have negotiated some of the most influential bi-partite and tri-partite agreements in the country, using many proven and innovative techniques, like mapping out the parties either directly or indirectly impacted by the relationship and connecting them to see how each can influence the outcome being sought. Our success is primarily the result of having unique and balanced insight to what drives indigenous, industrial and governmental interests from decades of experience in each area, coupled with years of high level negotiations training and experience.

Whether we are negotiating long term opportunities and assisting our clients in developing the businesses to turn the opportunities into reality, or whether we are negotiating workable win / win relationships, we design our approach according to each of our client’s unique needs.  We will help our clients discover opportunities and architect winning arrangements built to stand the test of time.


Long term negotiated opportunities;

Leading edge interest based negotiation techniques designed for success;

Maximized opportunity agreements as opposed to agreements based compromise and the bare minimum;

Workable and effective agreements with indigenous communities, industry and government bodies reflecting what those involved desire, while balancing the interests of their new partners.


Effective negotiations planning:

  • Research background and needs of negotiation counterparts;
  • Strategic planning of negotiations exercise designed to accomplish goals;

Interest based negotiating skills:

  • Applying the proven techniques of interest based negotiations as studied by institutions like Harvard University for over fifteen years;
  • Positioning people to willingly accept what you are proposing to them;
  • Building an everyone wins consensus based on everyone accomplishing everyone’s needs as opposed to an everyone lose based on compromise.

Position based negotiating skills:

  • Utilizing proven position based negotiation skills when an interest based approach is not readily accepted or working.  Positioning people through position based techniques as an alternative while continuing to work toward an interests based approach.

Innovative brainstorming techniques for identifying everyone’s interests: 

  • Fun and effective brainstorming exercises designed to identify everyone’s interests,Unique and leading edge brainstorming   actual negotiating parties designed to build relationships, and appreciate each parties challenges,  Fun and creative ice breakers designed to continue building relations while negotiations are taking place.

Our company has been managing indigenous, industrial and governmental impasses for decades. We bring to the table a multitude of experience and insight from both indigenous and non-indigenous perspectives, along with a deep network of professionals in all disciplines of the field.  We have decades of experiences, relationships and credibility built from the ground up that adds a rare element of opportunity to build the critical trust needed to start the process of hope.  By focusing on understanding the issues and each others interests, rediscovering hope, and through proven and innovative dialoguing techniques, we will structure a dynamic plan to facilitate even the most improbable impasses or initiatives to success for everyone.


Diverse understandings of and experience in, indigenous, industrial and government, bringing:

  • Credibility developed from decades of ground level experience;
  • Trust from decades of ground level relationships and networking;
  • Quick resolution;
  • And maximized opportunity for success.

Unparalleled network across each discipline and access to unparalleled insight;

Leading edge techniques and tools;

A track record of success where others before have failed:

  • We’ll challenge conventional thinking, get out of the box, and even throw the box away if needed, to see opportunities that others may have missed.


Diffusion of issues causing friction:

  • Step away from issues and re-establish relationships using proven techniques designed to engage parties;

Analysis and understanding of dynamics at the table:

  • Profile each personality to understand the unique dynamics of each group,
  • Plan a strategy around the group dynamics and aspirations,
  • Create clearer understandings of issues and challenges of each party using innovative and proven techniques;

Our company has been managing indigenous, industrial and governmental impasses for over twenty years. We bring to the table a multitude of experience and insight from both indigenous and non-indigenous perspectives, along with a deep network of professionals in all disciplines of the field. Combined with our extensive experience creating and managing partnerships, we will structure a dynamic plan to facilitate even the most improbable relationships into long lasting joint ventures.


Creation of working and mutually beneficial partnerships;

Establishing a relationship dynamic through innovative and proven techniques;

Finding and creating value for each partner;

Facilitate idea’s into reality through innovative and proven techniques by:

  • Getting the pertinent parties together,
  • Brainstorming and think tanks to flush out potential,
  • Action planning and scheduling of next steps.


Analyze and understand the dynamic of the idea(s):

  • Gathering background and details of desired outcomes;
  • Studying the dynamics of the details to create a credible understanding;
  • Anticipate and understand potential pit falls.

Network for support:

  • Use our vast network of natural resource based industry, government and indigenous leaders to understand the environment for probable success;
  • Introduce parties to potential partners.

Facilitation of partnership & relationship through innovative & proven techniques:

  • Create a clear understanding of idea(s) with all parties;
  • Create an environment of will for all parties to participate;
  • Bring people together through brainstorming & think tanks;
  • Assisting the parties to clearly articulate their thoughts & idea’s;
  • Assisting the parties in identifying the options & avenues to success;
  • Creating agreements based on motivation through value that have the best opportunity to stand the test of time.

Direct facilitation of success:

  • Using decades of experience, application, and study, and the latest techniques,
  • Applying the unique knowledge of indigenous culture, history, and heritage, to the established insight of natural resource based industry and governmental affairs, to flush out workable and wining solutions.

The difference between mediation and facilitation is the role of the Mediator/Facilitator themselves. While the Facilitator guides discussions and assists the parties in communicating and talking, the Mediator brings the additional dimension of actively working with the group by offering suggestions, ideas and recommendations to the group.

Our company has been managing indigenous, industrial and governmental impasses for decades, under the most challenging of situations. We bring to the table a multitude of experience and insight from both indigenous and non-indigenous perspectives, along with a deep network of professionals in all disciplines of the field. Combined with our extensive experience creating and managing partnerships, we will structure a dynamic plan to mediate even the most improbable relationships into long lasting joint ventures.


Diverse understandings of and experience in, indigenous, industrial and government, bringing:

  • Credibility;
  • And maximized opportunity for success.

Unparalleled network across each discipline and access to unparalleled insight;

Leading edge techniques and tools;


Analyze & understand the dynamic of the idea(s):

  • Gathering background and details of desired outcomes;
  • Studying the dynamics of the details to create a credible understanding;
  • Anticipate and understand potential pit falls.

Facilitation of partnership & relationship through innovative & proven techniques:

  • Create a clear understanding of idea(s) with all parties;
  • Create an environment of will for all parties to participate;
  • Bring people together through brainstorming & think tanks;
  • Assisting the parties to clearly articulate their thoughts & idea’s;
  • Assisting the parties in identifying the options & avenues to success;
  • Creating agreements based on motivation through value that have the best opportunity to stand the test of time.

Mediate an exchange of options & potential solutions to issue(s):

  • Based on information gathered and constructive debate, make a list of recommendations to the parties;
  • Organize options & flush each out until consensus is reached.

It was once said that to find success in a relationship, one must seek to understand before seeking to be understood. This age tested proverb holds a great deal of merit in any cross cultural training exercise.  We combine decades of experience in the natural resource based, indigenous and governmental sectors, to create workshops everyone can relate to.   We combine our unique insight with our innovative approach to customizing workshops that develop a clear understanding of cultural differences, while creating hope and trust through that understanding.

Success between indigenous and industrial interests is critically dependent upon not only understanding the cultural differences between them, but embracing it as well.


Prevent damaging disputes before they happen:

  • Develop a productive knowledge of cultural differences between groups;
  • Create manageable situations out of previously perceived confusion;
  • Creating a comfort level required to productively grow relationships;
  • Develop a realistic ability to plan integration between parties;

Create more effective management of relationships through better use of time & energy expended;

Build cohesive relations providing functional, rewarding and productive benefits for all parties.


Rely on Existing, Proven Workshops:

  • Using an evolved messaging incorporating the advancements of the past decade and the needs of the next decade;
  • Targeting audiences and broaching the barriers typically seen as too difficult to openly address, but necessary to full success;

Customize a workshop based on the unique dynamics of each clients needs:

  • Design workshops to fit the desired outcome of the client;
  • Base techniques on personalities involved & dynamics of group / organization.
  • Clearly describe the history associated to indigenous affairs as they relate today:
    • From the time Columbus landed pre 1,500 A.D. to the development of modern day treaties and how each is impacting life today;
    • Build understanding around barriers surrounding indigenous people and barriers creating the mine field between indigenous issues and sustainable development;
    • Describe how the country was founded & the relationship between indigenous people, the British, the French, the Irish, the Scottish and the Dutch.

Develop relationship building workshops:

  • Designed to create the hope and the will required to advance relationships, through innovative & fun techniques:
    • Comparative theater & role playing;
    • Open & friendly dialogue & exchange of thoughts.

We provide services to all of our clients in all facets of business management, training and capacity building as listed below.

For our Indigenous Clients in particular, we offer the added unique skill of specializing in indigenous business development and growth. Our track record of success demonstrates how we help our Indigenous Clients break down barriers and historical stereo types by creating success through capacity and skills development. Our workshops and training exercises are based on solid business management principles in concert with a solid understanding of the cultural and historical challenges facing Indigenous people. 

We will build each workshop according to the needs of our clients and their own unique challenges.   A clear plan of action will be laid out and agreed to before beginning the project to ensure that our clients are getting exactly what they want.

Browse through the items below and feel free to contact us through this site for more information, or to discuss your particular situation in more detail.


Experienced & practical training through modern,  proven techniques;

Workshops designed and customized to unique needs of each client;

Training for Indigenous and non-Indigenous seeking understanding the challenges;

Business training by the highest of standards;

Training by people who understand & know the indigenous, natural resource and governmental sectors.


Training and development is critical to growth and prosperity. Like the lifelong athlete, professionals and workforce’s need to hone skills, continue to rethink their routines and keep their understandings dynamic. We provide a whole array of training and development opportunities all customized to fit your group dynamic and goals.

Below is a snapshot of the types of training available. If you don’t see what you are looking for, just contact us and we’ll let you know how we can best serve you.

Customized Workshops:

We will evaluate your needs, survey your group dynamic and build a workshop designed to provide maximized impact on the audience in question.

Operational Review:

We have extensive experience at both private and public sector operation. With this, we are able to bring an experienced network of resources along with a unique blend of what works best in both sectors. We’ll assess your operation, speak to your employees, customers, suppliers and stakeholders, then design an approach that will bring refreshing change and results.

Board & Governance Training:

Boards can be complicated an intimidating, especially in the public sector as obligations to public scrutiny can bring even more confusion. We will help your board understand the board dynamic is simple terms while helping Board members find refreshing comfort in participation, while having a clearer understanding of the rules at play.

Personality Profiling:

One of the most important aspects of building an effective team is understanding the personalities, their traits and how best to place them on the team. We will profile the personality from the employees perspective and then from their peers, subordinates, superiors, customers and other key stakeholders to compare. We provide a comprehensive analysis of what the employee’s current profile is and how they are viewed by others, while providing clear understandings on a growth plan going forward.

Consulting Assignments:

No matter what your organizations needs are, we can design a consulting assignment best suited to bringing maximized success. We’ll use our vast network of public and private expertise along with our unique insight to make recommendations that make sense and are workable.

Negotiations Training:

Our strength is negotiations and we have been involved in many different kinds of negations finding success where least expected. We will assess the needs, map out the parties involved and how they are linked, assess the barriers, architect a deal that creates value for everyone, plan a strategy to position the players and a road map to getting to yes.

We specialize in indigenous negotiations and navigating the mine field between opportunity and meaningful indigenous involvement.

Workplace Indigenous Sensitivity Review:

Is your workplace best suited to find success with indigenous workers, entrepreneurs and businesses? We will assess the workplace status, field a comprehensive report identifying any barriers and challenges, while recommending practical and workable solutions to positive change.

We customize approaches of business planning designed to help our clients build a road map to success.  Our approaches incorporate creative and innovative techniques intended to achieve maximum result while capturing group interests through fun and exciting procedure.

A business thrives on stability and a planned direction focusing on strengths to improving upon weakness, while maximizing opportunity.  We have written a multitude of business plans for small operators, right to full blown manufacturing development plans.


Our Plans:

  • Get the Money;
  • Establish Clear Goals and Objectives;
  • Create a Road Map to Success;
  • Focus Energy and Effort;
  • Implement Effective and Dynamic Action Plans;
  • Develop Organizational Preparedness;
  • Produce Targeted Results and Achievements.


Interviews to assess level of aspiration;

Planning exercises to flush out actual goals and objectives:

  • Creative and proven methods of flushing out the group’s actual goals and objectives.

Stakeholder meetings to assess strengths and weaknesses:

  • Meet employees, management, corporate, customers and suppliers;
  • Conduct personality profiling to ascertain skills and capabilities.

Build recommendations based on organizational strengths and weakness:

  • Architect a road map built from the grass roots up and designed to deliver the top end (governance) aspirations.

Develop an implementation strategy:

  • Ensure the plan becomes reality with quantifiable measurables and achievements.

Whether you are running a business, negotiating a land mark agreement, or facilitating a partnership, strategic planning is essential to finding success.

We customize approaches of strategic planning designed to help our clients not only find their unique successes, but discover extraordinary opportunity.  Our approaches incorporate creative and innovative techniques intended to achieve maximum result while energizing group interests.

“If you don’t have your own strategy, you are usually part of someone else’s”   – Alvin Toffler


Clear Goals and Objectives;

Focused Energy and Effort;

Effective and Dynamic Action Plans;

Organizational Preparedness;

Targeted Results and Achievements.


Planning exercises to flush out actual goals and objectives:

  • Creative and proven methods of flushing out the group’s actual goals and objectives.

Dynamic action planning to maximize success and achieve goals:

  • Building action plans which incorporate the desired goals, the strengths and weaknesses of the planning environment, and the capacity of the group;
  • Organizing the personalities on the team to be in productive and desired roles;
  • Creating options to a number of given and potential reactions to each step of the plan;
  • Determining the walk away power of a given negotiating exercise;
  • Determining the best alternative to the plan objective.

Follow-up planning and adjustments:

  • Scheduled re-planning and adjusting of strategy to incorporate status changes of the planning environment.

What We've Done For Others

Developed a consultation protocol requiring developers to apply to the First Nation to conduct consultations and operations.  Prescribed the First Nation led consultation process and linked an operating permit to the requirement to operate.

The protocol serves as an Aborginally led consultation process and an innovative way to establish agreement.  It also acts as an enhancement to existing government processes which facilitates acceptance.

The First Nation receives the control they seek, while the developer receives stability they seek.

  • $450 million dollar Forestry Agreement long before it became a requirement to negotiate with the indigenous community.  The agreement broke the barrier on overlap with other communities by providing an innovative solution to the issue.
  • A comprehensive Working Relationship Agreement providing access to 300,000 m3 of Forestry, described at the time as the leading Indigenous Forestry Agreement in the country;
  • Several other multi-million dollar forestry agreements and partnerships, including alliance initiatives between first nation communities to strengthen negotiating power.
  • Multi-million dollar bipartite agreement between Long Point First Nation, and Quebec, that relieved a standoff between the two resulting involving riot police and blockades.
  • Several sectoral agreements between Long Point First Nation and Quebec.
  • Several Mining exploration agreements, the framework of which has been adopted by most modern negotiating tables to combine exploration with IBA requirements, at the time of exploration.
  • Several logging Owner Operator Business Plans;
  • Restructure $15 million Forestry company and build comprehensive business plan;’
  • 20 MMFBM  Medium sized Sawmill business plan;
  • Comprehensive community development business plan;
  • Several successful negotiating plans and strategies,
  • Several strategic plans for community and opportunity development;

Negotiating training workshops for a community who had no experience negotiating and was struggling to be recognized as a player.  This community is now a leading presence in the region and has several agreements considered the leading agreements in the region. 

Several training and workshop sessions for clients across the country.

Developed specialized adversity training workshops that transcended the difficult conversation of aboriginal adversity from the aboriginal perspective, the entrepreneurial perspective and the partnering perspective.

Participants said: “eye opening workshop”; “As an aboriginal woman I found the forward thinking and open approach to difficult barriers many of us avoid speaking about to be refreshing and encouraging.”; “Great workshop Great speaker!”

Negotiated a successful conclusion to a blockage involving a client, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and a forestry company at Lobstick in North Eastern Ontario.  The result was a $50 million agreement that set the stage for indigenous forestry agreements across the country;

Facilitated an alliance between two indigenous communities who were divided over a forestry company harvesting a historical grave site at Hospital Point.  The result was a negotiated settlement for two multi million dollar relationship agreements while completely protecting the grave site;

Facilitated a conclusion to a standoff in Val D’Or Quebec between the Algonquins and Quebec over logging transgressions and the communities being marginalized in the process, that involved tensions blockades and riot police.  The result was a comprehensive bipartite negotiating process that elevated the communities to full player status and opened the door for a multitude of negotiated agreements.

The Algonquins of Beaverhouse:  We negotiated an impact benefits agreement between the Beaverhouse First Nation and Canadian Malartic Corporation that takes an Accord approach to the arrangement; 

We Developed and Implemented an evolutionary consultation protocol for the Beaverhouse First Nation that requires developers to seek a consultation certificate from the community prior to any development. The process also sees the implementation of a prescribed approach to consultation developed by the First Nation community itself, while also providing the developer a clear and stable approach to this requirement;

We negotiated a long term exploration agreement between Beaverhouse First Nation and Canadian Malartic Corporation that includes a First Nation prescribed consultation protocol.

Cree’s of New Post / Taykwa Tagamou: 

At the Taykwa Tagamou Economic Development Corporation we are providing ad-hoc forestry services when required such as, forestry planning, business planning and strategic alignment, people management training and advice, contract negotiations, accounts management and advice, and representation on agreement round tables surrounding the current forestry agreements negotiated through New Post;

We negotiated a twenty year $450 million dollar forestry agreement between the Taykwa Tagamou Nation and Tembec which established an unprecedented form of timber rights ownership. The agreement takes partnering to a new level and introduces new and exciting innovations to First Nation / Industrial relations. It sees the First Nation, the company, and the local economy benefit from transferring timber rights between TTN and Tembec in a way that allows for maximized economies even during economic down turns;

We restructured a fifteen million dollar a year forestry company for the Taykwa Tagamou Economic Development Corporation to help them make the leap from start up aboriginal company to an efficient and effective leader in the field;

We were one of the first organized efforts in bringing Term and Condition 77 to the forefront of Forest Planning. As well, we played a significant role in the development and negotiating of a Working Relationship Agreement between Tembec Inc. and New Post, which is being heralded as a leading agreement in Canada in terms of First Nations Forestry;

In New Post, we were involved in the negotiating of a long-term forestry agreement and its subsequent forestry opportunities with Abitibi-Consolidated; 

We developed a number of First Nation forestry orientated business plans for New Post during our relationship; 

We developed a five year negotiating plan to organize efforts and ensure the maximization of opportunities to the Band;

We built and negotiated a Long Term Forestry agreement for the New Post First Nation which takes off from the Working relationship agreement and identifies specifics associated to the business relationship between New Post and its business partners.

The Algonquins of Wahgoshig:

We successfully halted logging operations of a sacred piece of land for the Wahgoshig First Nation and negotiated the removal of this piece of land from future logging plans forever;

We also begun the development of a long term forestry agreement between Tembec and Wahgoshig;

We played a key role in the negotiation of a ground breaking forestry agreement between the Wahgoshig First Nation, New Post First Nation, The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Abitibi Consolidated Inc. This agreement commits opportunities to the First Nation Alliance, and commits the parties to share in the capacity building associated to them;

We negotiated an agreement between Queenston Mining Inc. and the Wahgoshig First Nation committing the mining company to a protocol around exploration, and an Impact Benefits Agreement should they wish to go into production of a resource;

We negotiated an agreement between Boulder Mining Inc. and the Wahgoshig First Nation committing the mining company to a protocol around exploration and an Impact Benefits Agreement should they wish to go into production of a resource;

At Wahgoshig First Nation we participated in long term agreement negotiations between Wahgoshig, Tembec, Abitibi, Domtar and MNR;

At Wahgoshig Anishinabek Mitik Inc. we developed a Strategic Plan and a Business Plan;

At Wahgoshig Anishinabek Mitik Inc. we negotiated the winter harvesting and line cutting contracts;

We established and organized media campaign and a legal injunction for the Wahgoshig First Nation to assist them in dealing with a less than cooperative logging company near their reserve;

We negotiated with Tom Exploration Inc. and the Wahgoshig First Nation committing the mining company to a protocol around exploration and an Impact Benefits Agreement should they wish to go into production of a resource;

We participated in negotiations with Falconbridge Inc. and the Wahgoshig First Nation committing the mining company to a protocol around exploration and an Impact Benefits Agreement should they wish to go into production of a resource;

We successfully negotiated a twenty year, relationship agreement between Tembec Inc. and the Wahgoshig First Nation which will generate economies well over 100 million dollars during the term. This agreement represents an evolutionary shift toward recognizing the need to manage a set of fundamentals which will see the planned and organized growth of the First Nation. It quintessentially provides long term solutions with short term realization of results;

At Wahgoshig Anishinabek Mitik Inc. we have developed a corporate five year Business Plan;

At Wahgoshig Anishinabek Mitik Inc. we have developed a corporate five year Strategic Plan;

At Wahgoshig First Nation we developed and implemented a five year Negotiating plan.

Cree’s of Missanabie:

We have prepared a negotiating strategy, and conducted planning exercises and subsequent negotiating plan to organize effort’s in negotiating forestry opportunities;

We secured a Letter of Intent with Weyerhaeuser and the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to develop an agreement and work on FMP’s with Missanabie Cree;

We established a negotiations table between the Missanabie Cree First Nation, Weyerhaeuser Company, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Regional Office, Chapleau District, and Wawa District which had been considered as the leading table in the Province by the Provincial Government regarding First Nations forestry negotiations. At the time, there was no other table like it taking place in Ontario, as stated by the Regional MNR. This table was supported as a pilot project by the MNR as the possible solution to First Nation negotiations. It involved multiple Districts and various senior officials from both companies and the MNR who have been expressing their optimism for its future;

We negotiated an agreement between the Missanabie Cree First Nation and the largest tree grower in Ontario to make the Missanabie Cree First Nation the Liaison for the grower, begin feasibilities in potential business partnerships, and a commitment of an annual royalty to the First Nation.

The Algonquins of Long Point:

We negotiated a land mark agreement between Long Point and Tembec Inc. incorporating Long Point’s Permit Process into a formalized Consultation Process for forest operations. Effectively, this arrangement sees the Company take responsibility for applying to Long Point for an “Endorsement Certificate” to do operations on traditional territory. The Application process incorporates an innovative and evolutionary Consultation Process. Should the company satisfy the requirements of the agreement, Long Point will issue a Permit to them identifying what the conditions are for them to conduct their operations;

At Long Point we have developed a land mark process for aboriginal communities to use the issuance of permits from their communities as a means of effective consultation. The permitting process allows for the community to issue a Permit to development proponents who complete a process of consultation with community;

We successfully negotiated a “bridge” agreement between the Algonquin’s of Long Point, Quebec, and the Quebec government which had a value of approximately one million dollars at signing, and relieved the tension of an escalating crisis between Long Point and Domtar by providing commitments and a venue to complete the negotiating of a long term agreement. We also developed a forestry business plan, conducted capacity building exercises, and negotiated further forestry opportunities in their region;

We initiated the processes associated to the Long Point First Nation and Quebec relationship, where we negotiating a framework agreement which led to Resource Sectoral Agreements;

We led a negotiating table between the Long Point First Nation and the Province of Quebec to establish a series of agreements around natural resource development and resource sharing;

We successfully negotiated an Interim Agreement between the Long Point First Nation and the Province of Quebec ending an industry wide shutdown and conflict. The agreement committed the parties to processes for negotiating government to government formal agreements around Natural Resources and to interest based principles to guide their relationship respectively;

We have developed and implemented a customized strategic and negotiating planning workshop for the Long Point First Nation, including the development of a comprehensive negotiating strategy termed, “Operation Alchemy”.

The Algonquins of Lac Simon:

At The Long Point First Nation & The Lac Simon First Nation we have negotiated “An Agreed Process For Negotiations Agreement” with the government of Quebec, marking the first positive accomplishment between the Parties previously marred in a two year stand-off.

The Ojibway’s of North Bay through Garden Village and the Nipissing First Nation:

We have been successful in negotiating with both the MNR and the Forest Industry to provide in the words of the MNR regional Director, “the most comprehensive forest management plan in Ontario” with respect to it’s contents on native values and involvement.

This plan also has an unprecedented alternative disputes resolution clause included in the event of disagreement to ensure disputes are handled arbitrarily versus by the MNR solely, and gives the First Nation community decision making power over heritage issues versus simply obligating the forest industry to “inform” First Nation of their actions.

We have also negotiated a letter of intent signed by the industry, who six months prior wouldn’t even sit with Nipissing, to ensure forestry opportunities are negotiated in good faith before the end of the planning term. Part of this commitment is to allow a pilot project with Tembec Industries to be applied across the board with the rest of the industry upon its completion.

We spear-headed the negotiations in terms of all activities, and produced a Working Relationship Agreement very similar to the one negotiated with New Post which is being heralded in the same light, as being the leading agreement in Canada in terms of First Nations Forestry. As in New Post’s case, the agreement commits the parties to the development of a long term twenty-year forestry agreement.

The Niska Training Academy:

Developed a series of customized workshops for the Niska Training Academy geared at adversity training;

Three separate workshops were created focusing on three audiences: the aboriginal; the aboriginal entrepreneur and the non-aboriginal entrepreneur. These workshops take aboriginal and non-aboriginal people, employees, existing joint ventures and aspiring joint ventures through poignant awareness and open dialogue, challenging typical understandings while inviting the will to move beyond them;

Bev Cheechoo of the Moose Band Development Corporation identified them as, “Eye opening workshops…”

View the Workshop Flyer.

View the workshop outlines:

The Niska Training Academy is a branch of the Moose Cree Development Corporation.

Our Approach

Your Needs

As we engage in a collaborative dialogue, we want to frame both the challenges and successes to build an understanding of your needs, your existing ideas, and your landscape. Once we have framed the problem or opportunity in a visual way together, we all have more creative freedom to think and design.

Your Inspiration

Building off of framing up the challenges and needs, we can fill the frame with a collection of insights, ideas, and images that collectively connect the ideas. We'll dig deep together into the underlying issues to make sure nothing gets lost or left behind. Inspirational thinking can connect collective input into inspirational goals you can see.

Your Solution or Strategy

We believe that the best solutions are those that culminate from first challenging conventional thinking to open all doors of possibility. We'll take the understandings we've built, the inspirations we've discovered, and challenge you to realize the full potential they offer, by architecting a practical path forward.

“Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought.”

– Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

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138 Third Street West, Cochrane, Ontario Canada

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